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2016-06-22 22:33 性质:转载 来源:凯傲集团

  2016年6月21日在德国维斯巴登,已经是叉车、仓储设备及相关服务的两个最大供应商之一的凯傲集团股份公司(“凯傲集团”),将通过收购德马泰克而成为智能内部物流解决方案的全球领先供应商之一。德马泰克是行业领先的自动化技术供应商和供应链优化专家。凯傲集团与卖家AEA 投资和安大略教师退休金计划(AEA Investors and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan)管理的基金在这个具有里程碑意义的交易上达成一致,将造就一个真正的全球供应商:拥有接近30,000 名员工,2015 财年取得67 亿多欧元的销售额,合并调整后的息税前利润率约为9.4%,盈利能力出色。基于德马泰克的32.5 亿美元的公司市值,扣除特定的债务后,凯傲集团预计收购的股份价值约为21 亿美元。交易还须符合常规成交条件并得到监管部门的批准,交易预计在2016 年第四季度完成。

  德马泰克是提供用于优化供应链、满足客户对物流搬运自动化需求的先进的集成自动化技术、软件和服务的全球领先供应商。该公司的产品系统组合包括从自动导引车(AGV)、堆垛机、包括自动存储和检索系统的存储和拣选设备、分拣机、输送机,到领先的集成软件平台和自动化技术。2013 年以来德马泰克以每年超过12%的速度增长。在2015 日历年,它取得了约18 亿美元的销售额,并实现了1.66 亿美元的调整后息税前利润。德马泰克拥有近6000 名熟练的物流专业人才 ——包括超过3000 名从事软件开发、研发、工程设计、项目管理和客户服务的工程师 ——在全球范围内为客户提供支持,在全球各地拥有工程中心和制造基地。德马泰克目前在22 个国家拥有超过100 个分支机构,并且在美国、欧洲和世界各地都是领导者。德马泰克已经为其客户实施了超过4500 套集成系统,其客户包括在各行各业(包括增长快速的电子商务行业)开展业务的大、中、小型公司。


  购买德马泰克,将让凯傲集团成为内部物流4.0 的全球领导者。凭借其销售和服务网络、技术和资源,扩大后的公司将能够为世界各地各种行业、各种规模的客户全方位提供完整的物料搬运产品和服务。公司为市场提供的最全面的物流搬运解决方案,从手动操作的工业车辆到完全自动化的仓库,应有尽有。因此,凯傲集团将加强其作为智能供应链和自动化解决方案的“一站式”供应商的地位,目前已做好充分的准备,在Industry 4.0、数字化和电子商务等大趋势驱动下创造有吸引力的和盈利性的增长。


  交易结束后,德马泰克将被融入到凯傲集团,成为其第五个运营单元,其中也将包括英杰明自动化和Retrotech的业务。这个未来的凯傲集团运营单元将由总裁Ulf Henriksson领导。


  在过去的一年中,凯傲集团已经通过收购英杰明自动化和Retrotech开始在这个具有吸引力的、不断增长的市场作出进一步的拓展,以便为成为自动化系统解决方案供应商而建立一个坚实的基础。“通过收购德马泰克,我们将从根本上改变并改善凯傲集团自身及其专业领域 —— 为在一个快速变化的行业和数字化的世界进一步实现盈利增长而打好了基础” ,凯傲集团首席执行官Gordon Riske 说,“我们正在成为一家独一无二的产品、服务和解决方案供应商。我们在客户走向工业4.0 和内部物流4.0 的发展道路上所能提供的支持将在全世界无人能比。”。

  “这项交易将让我们的行业发生变革。凯傲集团和德马泰克将一起设计和提供解决方案,让我们的客户能对动态需求作出更好的回应”,德马泰克首席执行官Ulf Henriksson表示,“有了共同的愿景和对于研发的承诺,合并后的公司将以在这方面的显著投资,继续专注于优质的客户解决方案。凯傲集团和德马泰克将共同定义一个物流搬运解决方案的新时代”。

  “整个凯傲集团监事会对于凯傲集团和德马泰克的结合感到兴奋,并且完全支持这一具有重要意义的交易。这是凯傲集团2020 战略实施过程中的又一个里程碑”,凯傲集团监事会主席John Feldmann说, “凯傲集团和德马泰克携手,能够更好地在全球范围内为其客户提供市场上最合适的产品和解决方案。”

  “在2013 年初购买德马泰克后,持有者AEA 投资者和安大略教师退休金计划在经过新管理团队和董事会支持下,在公司中进行显著投资,以充分利用由全方位渠道的零售和电子商务所驱动的供应链自动化趋势”,德马泰克的主席G. Richard Wagoner, Jr.说。“在随后的三年里,德马泰克取得了令人瞩目的成果:在订单、销售和盈利能力方面快速增长,全球业务流程得到了显着改善,以及赢得了更多和多样化的全球客户群。为了支持德马泰克下一个阶段的发展以及我们的客户、员工和其他利益相关者,我们非常高兴能有凯傲集团作为公司的新东家。”


  “凯傲集团在自其首次公开募股以来的几年中在产生现金流和减少债务方面的强劲表现,已经为我们这个转型的交易提供了资产负债表方面的实力”,凯傲集团首席财政官Thomas Toepfer说道。他进一步表示,“我们有用于支付该交易的稳健的、拥有股票和债券的谨慎组合的融资措施,它与我们的保守财政政策保持一致,这种财政政策将让我们能够把我们的财务状况维护在一个良好的跨界资信(cross-over credit)。”

  此次交易最初将用30 亿欧元过渡性贷款进行支付,已经由与凯傲集团具有核心关系的一组银行对提供贷款作出了坚定承诺。凯傲集团拟再通过股权融资、长期性资本市场和银行债务来为该收购进行永久性融资。占新股高达10%股份的股票发行,将利用现有的全部授权股本来进行,这已得到凯傲集团大股东潍柴动力的全力支持。凯傲集团作为一个拥有进入债务资本市场的可靠途径的强大的跨界资信机构,致力于维护其地位,会考虑符合其保守财务政策的全方位的股权生成工具。



  凯傲集团的足迹遍布全球100 多个国家,23500 名员工在2015 年创造了51 亿欧元的营业额。凯傲集团股份有限公司在德国法兰克福证券交易所上市,并被纳入MDAX(德国中型企业股指)和欧洲斯托克600 指数(包含600 个欧洲最大的公司)。

  德马泰克是提供用于优化供应链的集成性自动化技术、软件和服务的领先供应商。德马泰克拥有近6000 名熟练的物流专业人才,在全球范围内为客户提供服务,在全球各地设有工程中心和制造基地。德马泰克已经为其客户实施了超过4500 套集成系统,其客户包括在各种市场领域开展业务的大、中、小型公司。

KION Group to become a global leader in intralogistics solutions by acquiring Dematic

Wiesbaden, 21st June 2016, the KION GROUP AG (“KION Group”), already one of the two largest suppliers of forklift trucks, warehouse equipment and related services, will become one of the leading global providers of intelligent intralogistics solutions by acquiring Dematic, a best-in-class automation provider and specialist in supply chain optimization. The KION Group agreed with funds managed by AEA Investors and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan as the sellers on this landmark transaction to create a true global provider with close to 30,000 employees, more than € 6.7 billion in revenue for the calendar year 2015 and a strong profitability with a combined adjusted EBIT margin of approx. 9.4 per cent for this period. After deductions for certain liabilities, the KION Group expects the purchase price for the shares to amount to approx. USD 2.1 billion, based on an enterprise value of Dematic of USD 3.25 billion.The transaction is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals and is expected to be closed in the course of the fourth quarter of 2016.

Dematic is a leading global supplier of advanced integrated automation technology, software and services to optimize supply chains and to meet the material handling automation needs of its customers. The company’s product and systems portfolio ranges from Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs), palletizers, storage and picking equipment including automated storage and retrieval systems, sorters and conveyors to a leading integrated software platform and automation technologies. Dematic has been growing annually by more than 12 per cent since 2013. It generated approx. USD 1.8 billion in revenue and achieved an adjusted EBIT of USD 166 million during the calendar year 2015. Dematic employs almost 6,000 skilled logistics professionals – including over 3,000 engineers in software development, R&D, engineering, project management and customer service – to support its customers globally, with engineering centers and manufacturing facilities located around the globe. With more than 100 locations Dematic is present in 22 countries. The company is a leading player in the USA, Europe, and worldwide. Dematic has implemented more than 4,500 integrated systems for small, medium and large companies with business in a broad variety of industries around the globe including the fast-growing e-commerce business.


Global leader in Intralogistics 4.0

The purchase of Dematic will establish the KION Group as a global leader in Intralogistics 4.0. Leveraging its sales and service networks, technologies and resources, the enlarged company will be able to seamlessly offer the full material handling product and service offering to customers of all sizes in a broad range of industries across the world. This most comprehensive material handling solutions offering in the market ranges from manually operated industrial trucks to complete fully automated warehouses. The KION Group will thus enhance its position as one-stop-supplier for intelligent supply chain and automation solutions and is now perfectly positioned for attractive and profitable growth driven by megatrends like Industry 4.0, digitalization and e-commerce.


Both companies contribute strong complementary market positions and geographical footprint as an opportunity for revenue growth. Dematic will leverage the KION Group's service network and brand reputation in key markets like Europe, China and Brazil, whereas the KION Group will take advantage of Dematic’s strong position in the US and European automation markets in particular. This complementarity is also the source of cost synergies from this combination. KION Group's strong sales and service network together with Dematic’s sizeable installed base provides the basis for unlocking further revenue potential from services and systems upgrades.


A unique company in its industry

In the past year, the KION Group already started to build up a strong position as provider of automated systems solutions by acquiring Egemin Automation and Retrotech, thereby making further inroads in this attractive and growing market. "With the acquisition of Dematic we are substantially changing and enhancing what KION Group is and does – for further profitable growth in a quickly changing industry and digitalized world," said KION Group's CEO Gordon Riske. “We are becoming a unique provider of products, services and solutions. Like no other company in our industry, we can accompany every customer seamlessly on his journey to Industry 4.0 and Intralogistics 4.0 now and everywhere.”

“This transaction will be transformational to our industry. KION Group and Dematic together will design and deliver solutions that better position our customers to respond to dynamic demand,” said Ulf Henriksson, CEO of Dematic. “With a shared vision and commitment to R&D, the combined company will continue to focus on superior customer solutions with significant investment in this area. Together, KION Group and Dematic will jointly define a new era in material handling solutions.”


“The entire KION Group Supervisory Board is excited about the combination of KION Group and Dematic and is fully supportive of this landmark transaction. This marks another milestone in the implementation of the KION Group Strategy 2020,” said John Feldmann, Chairman of the KION Group Supervisory Board. “Together KION Group and Dematic will be even better able to offer their customers worldwide the best suiting products and solutions available on the market.”

“Following their purchase of Dematic in early 2013, owners AEA investors and Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan, supported by a renewed management team and board, invested significantly in the company to take advantage of automation trends in the supply chain driven by omnichannel retail and e-commerce,” said G. Richard Wagoner, Jr., Chairman of Dematic. “In the ensuing three years, Dematic has achieved impressive results: rapid growth in order book, sales, and profitability; dramatically enhanced global business processes; and an expanded and diversified global customer base. To support the next stage of Dematic's development and our customers, employees, and other constituents, we are very pleased to have KION Group as the company's new home.”


After closing of the transaction, Dematic will be integrated into the KION Group forming an additional fifth operating unit, which will also comprise the businesses of Egemin Automation and Retrotech. This future KION Group operating unit will be headed by Ulf Henriksson as its President.


Solid financing strategy

“KION Group’s strong cash flow generation and debt reduction over the last years since the IPO has provided us with the balance sheet strength for such a transformational transaction,” said Thomas Toepfer, CFO of the KION Group, and he further commented: “We have solid financing in place to fund the transaction with a prudent mix of equity and debt in line with our conservative financial policy that will maintain our financial profile as a good cross-over credit.”


The transaction will be funded initially with a bridge loan facility of € 3.0 bn which has been firmly committed by a group of KION Group’s core relationship banks. KION Group intends to permanently refinance the acquisition through equity, long-term capital markets and bank debt. The equity issuance of up to 10 per cent of new shares would utilize the entire currently existing authorized share capital and is fully supported by KION Group’s major shareholder Weichai Power. KION Group is committed to maintaining its position as a strong cross-over credit with reliable access to debt capital markets and would therefore consider the full spectrum of equity-generating instruments in line with its conservative financial policy.


The Companies

The KION Group– comprising the seven brands of Linde, STILL, Fenwick, OM STILL, Baoli, Voltas and Egemin Automation – is the largest manufacturer of industrial trucks in western and eastern Europe, the global number two in the industry and the leading non-domestic supplier in China. The Linde and STILL brands serve the premium segment worldwide. Fenwick is the largest supplier of material handling products in France, while OM STILL is a market leader in Italy. The Baoli brand focuses on the economy segment, and Voltas is a leading provider of industrial trucks in India. Egemin Automation is a leading international logistics automation specialist.


The KION Group is present in more than 100 countries and, in 2015, employed around 23,500 people and generated revenue of around €5.1 billion. KION GROUP AG is listed on Deutsche Börse's Frankfurt Stock Exchange, the MDAX (the German stock index for medium-sized companies) and the STOXX Europe 600 index, which comprises the 600 largest companies in Europe.


Dematicis a leading supplier of integrated automated technology, software and services to optimize the supply chain. Dematic employs almost 6,000 skilled logistics professionals to serve its customers globally, with engineering centers and manufacturing facilities located across the globe. Dematic has implemented more than 4,500 integrated systems for a customer base that includes small, medium and large companies doing business in a variety of market sectors.

China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (CFLP) awarded the premium enterprises in the conference. And Linde won both 2016 E-commerce Excellent Logistics Equipment Suppliers award and 2016 E-commerce Outstanding Case award.
相关阅读: 凯傲 林德 德马泰克



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