Danaher Motion | 丹纳赫传动中国

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  丹纳赫公司正在努力打造成国际一流企业。我们致力于创建一家诚信的企业,而且我们因诚实交易,公平对待投资商、商业伙伴、用户、员工和竞争对手而享誉盛名。 坚持诚信、保持荣誉是丹纳赫成功的坚实基础: 作为丹纳赫一员,您的诚信就是我们的成功。 请点击下面链接获取公司行为标准副本或对丹纳赫诚信与合规热线进行评论。

  七十多年来,我们的产品创新始终不断地改善着复杂制造过程的效率和生产力。诸如 Dover、Kollmorgen、Portescap 以及 Thomson 等品牌一直得到客户的信赖。 我们突破性的创新都基于全球各行业的应用经验。

One Company, Established Brands
Through trusted brand names we offer customers an unprecedented choice in selecting the right solution to match specific application requirements. Our growing family of leading motion control products and our application expertise tells only half the story. With a worldwide service and support infrastructure, our field service engineers and support teams are available to assist whenever they are needed.

Current & Legacy Brands
Still growing, much of Danaher Motion is organized under three key brand names:
Kollmorgen, Thomson and Dover.

Some customers often remember us by one of many legacy brand names that they've known through the years. We draw strength from that legacy and we're building the future of motion control today - helping you build a better machine, faster.

主要经营: 主营行业: 零部件 
企业类型: 企业单位 经营模式: 配套件供应商 
成立时间: 经营地址: 天津市西青区开发区西青微电子小区经济技术开发区微五路
员工人数: 注册资本: