
  • 普通商家
  • 广东天劲新能源科技股份有限公司
  • 经营模式:产研销综合服务商 配套件供应商 自动化系统解决方案集成商 工业机器人厂商 
  • 所在地区:中国 广东省 深圳市
  • 在线交谈: 中国AGV网(客服咨询
  • 电话:400-003-8030

广东天劲新能源科技股份有限公司(简称天劲股份),创立于 2006年9月,是一家专业提供绿色新能源汽车动力电池系统整体解决方案的国家高新技术企业;拥有聚合物电芯事业部、动力PACK事业部、铝壳电芯事业部、数码PACK事业部等4个事业部及动力储能研究院。天劲股份于 2014年12月8日正式在北京挂牌“新三板”,成功登陆资本圈;证券简称:天劲股份;证券代码:831437。于 2015年7月16日正式做市交易。2015年底,被同行业以及华南地区第三方权威机构-高工产研推荐为“华南聚合物锂离子动力电池领导品牌;
Founded in September, 2006, Guangdong Tianjin New Energy Technology Limited Company is a state-level new and high-tech company that provides overall solution of green new energy automobile driving battery system; it has four business divisions covering business division of polymer core, business division of dynamic pack, business division of aluminum power core and business division of digital pack as well as institute of stored energy. Tianjin Limited was officially listed in the new ‘three boards’ in Beijing on December, 8, 2014 before successfully landing to the capital circle. Its stocks are short as Tianjin Limited and its stock code is 831437. It entered marketing transaction officially on July, 16, 2015. At the end of 2015, it was recommended as a ‘leading brand on polymer lithium-ion battery in South China’ recommended by the same field and by Senior Engineering Research, a third-party authority in South China. On July, 8, 2016, it was listed in ‘List of companies in compliance with Standard Norms for Automobile Power Storage Battery Industry’ in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China. On August, 10, it was listed as a ‘membership unit in Guangdong Provincial Technological Committee of Standardization of Power Battery’. On January, 16, 2017, it was awarded ‘famous brand product in Guangdong Province in 2016’.
